After a lot of speculation regarding whether to chose Thinking Particles or to explore SideFx Houdini for digital destruction simulations, Finally the decision is made!
And thus I have delved into the Nodilicious world of Houdini and have also decided to explore TP on the Side 🙂 (digital greed you see..)
Anyhow, writing a note here for anyone who is reading this post that if you start with Houdini, dont Jump, rather take one step at a time, at least for a few weeks.
Start going through Houdini’s basic lessons, as they are awesome and wont make Houdini look like a monster as some people say it is. You can also checkout Houdini’s Vimeo channel – Go Procedural.
After you are done with starters, LO and BEHOLD… (you will understand why I wrote this, once you watch the first few intro lessons by Ari Danesh) you will see why people boast so much about the Houdini and its Procedural approach.
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*image courtesy of indie pop group “Foster the People”
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